Flocktown School Store
On the first Wednesday of every month, the FKPTA provides an opportunity for Flocktown students to go shopping during their lunch period for fun supplies and gadgets. The PTA orders the items, organizes the store, and provides volunteers to help the children make their selections. The PTA does this as a service to the students and does NOT make a profit from the sales of these items.
Looking for something to send in for your child’s birthday celebration or holiday classroom celebration?
The PTA sponsored Flocktown School Store offers School Store coupons as a fun treat for any kind of celebration! Learn more about our coupon program here.
The school store is open on the following days:
School Store Dates
September 4, 2019
October 2, 2019
November 11, 2019
December 11, 2019
January 8, 2020
February 5, 2020
March 4, 2020
April 8, 2020
May 13, 2020
June 3, 2020
Coupons may be purchsed for your child's birthday to give out to his or her classmates or for treats for special occasions. Click HERE for the Flocktown School Store Celebration Coupon Form!!!
Please be sure to let Diane or Heidi know your order is on its way!