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Flocktown-Kossmann PTA meetings are held at least 5 times per year per the PTA bylaws. 


There are two types of meetings: General Membership meetings and PTA Board meetings. All are welcome to attend the General Membership meetings which are typically held in the Flocktown library, unless otherwise posted. PTA members are able to vote on decisions made by the PTA during the General Membership meetings. 

Our scheduled meetings are listed to the right.  Meeting agendas will be posted as they become available.  Meeting minutes will be posted after each meeting.  Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are 7:30pm in the Flocktown Library.

Flocktown-Kossmann PTA Bylaws


In order to remain in good standing and participate in national and NJ state activities, the NJ PTA requires bylaws to be submitted for review every three years.


Click HERE for a complete copy of the bylaws.



Flocktown-Kossmann PTA Standing Rules


Bylaws are hard and fast rules that may be amended only with prior notice to the membership. The Secretary of the Flocktown-Kossmann PTA maintains the official original of the Flocktown-Kossmann PTA bylaws (bylaws) and the President maintains an official copy, either of which can be reviewed by any member at any PTA meeting or upon request. Additional detail regarding the roles of officers is also provided in the bylaws.


Standing rules are the rules an organization uses to administer its affairs under the provisions of its Bylaws.[1]


Standing rules are more flexible than Bylaws and may be changed at any executive board meeting by a majority vote if previous notice was given or 2/3 vote without previous notice.


The complete FKPTA Policies and Procedures document is available online for your review.

[1]Excerpted directly from New Jersey PTA Guide for Preparing Standing Rules for 2005-2007.



PTA Meeting Schedule


September 11, 2023

General Meeting
Budget Approval





Prior Year Archive:

Meeting Minutes

Current year agendas and minutes are posted above in the blue box.


Historical copies of select previous year meeting minutes are available in the meeting minute archive.




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