PTA Calendar of Events
We have a lot of wonderful activities planned for our kids this year. All assemblies are paid for by the Flocktown-Kossmann PTA.
Thank you for all your support and participating in our fundraisers.
9/1: Parent/Student walk thru 1:00pm & Ice Cream Social sponsored by PTA
9/1: PTA breakfast for Staff
9/2: First Day of School
9/2: KidStuff Coupon Books Go Home
9/3: Room Parents Orientation 1:00pm Flocktown Music Room
9/4: Spirit Wear Day-Wear Flocktown-Kossmann Shirts
9/7: Labor Day-School Closed
9/9: Back To School Night Kossmann
9/10: Back To School Night Flocktown
9/14: Rosh Hashanah-School Closed
9/15: PTA Meeting 7:30pm Flocktown School Library
9/18: KidStuff Coupon Orders and Unwanted Books DUE
9/18: School Pictures
9/23: Yom Kippur-School Closed
9/24 Spirit Wear Shirt Orders Due
*9/25: Spirit Day: CRAZY HAIR DAY (*Please note date change!)
12/1-12/4: Holiday Shop
12/2: School Store
12/3: Bill Harley Assembly K-5 Grade
12/4: Spirit Wear Day
12/8: Board Of Education Meeting
12/15: PTA Board Meeting 7:30pm
12/18: Sprit Day: PAJAMA DAY
12/23: Early Dismissal
12/24-12/31: Winter Break
3/2: Flocktown School Store
3/4: Spirit Wear Day
3/4 : Family Bingo Night 6PM
3/11: Family Bingo Night Snow Date
3/15: Author Visit:
Audrey Vernick Grade 3-5
3/16 & 3/17: Scholastic Book Fair ALL PROCEEDS GO TO OUR SCHOOL LIBRARIES
3/18: Spirit Day: MISMATCH DAY
3/20: HARLEM WIZARDS 3-5 p.m - Doors open at 2:00 p.m.
3/21: Silver Graphics Orders DUE
3/21: “Westward HO” Morris Museum Assembly 3rd Grade
3/22: PTA Meeting 7:30pm Flocktown Library
3/25-3/31: Spring Break School
*10/2: Spirit Day: COLOR BY GRADE (Please note date change)
10/6: Board of Ed Meeting 7:30pm
10/7: Flocktown School Store
10/7: Family Portrait Forms DUE (see flyer in PTA folder)
10/8: Reflections in the Arts “Drop In Information Night” 7:00-8:0
10/12 & 13: Columbus Day –School Close
10/15: Fun Pasta Fundraiser Starts
10/15: Author Visit: Kristin Fedich PreK-2nd Grade
10/15: Parent Child Book Club 6:00-7:30pm Flocktown Library
*10/16: Spirit Wear Day - wear your Flocktown-Kossmann School shirts (please note date change)
10/17: Family Portraits
10/20: PTA Meeting 7:30pm Flocktown School Library
10/23: Wild World of Weather Assembly by Morris Museum 2nd Grade
10/23: Trick R Trunk
10/26: Tracks and Traces by Morris Museum Kindergarten and Pre-K
10/30: Fun Pasta Orders Due
10:30: Halloween Parade & Class Parties
10/31: Halloween
1/1: New Year’s Day Winter Break Continued
1/5: Board of Education Meeting
1/6: Flocktown School Store
1/8: Spirit Wear Day
1/11: “Rock N Roll” Morris Museum Assembly 4th Grade
1/15: Spirit Day: JERSEY DAY
1/18: Dr. M.L King Day-School Closed
1/19: PTA Meeting 7:30pm Flocktown Library
1/22: Liberty Science Center Assembly “Science Circus” 3rd & 5th Grade
11/3: “Habitats in Harmony” by Morris Museum 1st Grade Assembly
11/4: Reflections in the Arts Submissions Due
11/5: Glow Bowling Family Event
11/4: School Store & Spirit Wear Day
11/4: Board of Education Meeting
11/5-11/6: No School (Teacher’s Convention )
11/17: PTA Meeting 7:30pm Flocktown Library
11/19 & 11/20: Mini Scholastic Book Fair (Flocktown Music Room) ALL PROCEEDS GO TO OUR SCHOOL LIBRARIES
11/20: Spirit Day: Tie Dye Day
11/26 & 11/27: Thanksgiving Break School Closed
11/30: “Penguin Pointers” by Jenkinson’s Aquarium Pre K & Kindergarten
11/30: Holiday Shop
11/20, 11/23,11/24: Teacher Conferences (Early Dismissal Days)
11/25: Early Dismissal
2/3: Flocktown School Store
2/5: Spirit Wear Day
2/8: Rizzo Reptile Show 5th Grade
2/15: No School President’s Day
2/16: PTA Board Meeting 7:30pm Danielle's House - RSVP req'd
2/19: Spirit Day: HAT DAY
2/29: “Welcome To NJ” Assembly 4th & 5th Grade
4/1: Spring Break (cont)
4/6: Flocktown School Store
4/8: “Eyes of the Wild” 1st Grade Assembly
4/8: Flocktown Talent Showcase 6 p.m.
4/8: Spirit Wear Day
4/15: Tricky Tray Fundraiser St. Mark’s Doors Open 5:30pm
4/19: PTA Board Meeting 7:30
4/21: Arts Alive
4/26: “ Rizzo Rainforest” Assembly 2nd Grade
4/28: Take Child To Work Day
5/4: Flocktown School Store
5/5: FK-PTA Staff Appreciation Luncheon
5/6: Spirit Wear Day
5/6: Music With Karen Pre K
5/17 PTA Meeting 7:30pm Flocktown School Library
5/20: Spirit Day: ALOHA DAY
5/30: No School Memorial Day
6/1: Flocktown School Store
6/3: Spirit Wear Day
6/3: FKPTA Carnival
6/14: Last PTA Meeting 7:30pm
6/17: Early Dismissal
6/17: Sprit Day: CRAZY SOCK DAY
6/20: Last day of school (Early Dismissal)
Flocktown-Kossmann PTA Meetings
All meetings will be held in the Flocktown School Library
September 15th
October 20th
November 17th
December 15th
January 19th
February 16th
March 22nd
April 19th
May 17th
June 14th
Meeting/ Meet & Greet
General Meeting
General Meeting
General Meeting
BOARD Meeting
General Meeting
BOARD Meeting
General Fundraiser Vote Meeting
Please check or the newsletter, The Pack Press, for the most updated calendar. Updated 2/29/2016